Monday, July 30, 2012

Match after 33 years of immortality!

For the next 33 years in the Russian media, mogul Dmitry Itskov is seeking to create a mechanical immortality. This is completely out of holographic 'Human avatar'. For this group of scientist are appointed by the Itskov. For this project the world's leading mechanical brain is rich in rich man's help, he means. Itskov's demand, over the next 33 years will be achieved within a few steps cybernetic immortality. The first will be to create a robot that can be used to control the interface with the brain. Then, another robot will be created, which can replace the human brain. The next step will be to create another robot, a machine which imitates the human brain's biological brain. 

And everyone will be created at the end of a holographic 'avatar', where the human intelligence. The financing to create for the project, Itskov wrote an open letter to the Forbes magazine world's top rich man according. They also wanted to achieve immortality, said his opened letter. Not only so, he expressed doubts about the performance of the project, its performance in front of them, and to take part in the project that they had declared. The day after 33 years mogul Dmitry Itskov will achieve immortality in the world.  For his declaration, interest has been created by the Russian media. Though Dmitry Itskov is the Russian media mogul, so sure but the issue of his personal life and the past period is very mysterious. At 2045, if the demand in Itskov cybernetic way to achieve immortality was successful, but the Hollywood movie 'surrogate' - The real story that will leave from cinema screen, it goes without saying.

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